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Video Marketing Is The Best Marketing Medium

Video marketing is the best method for your company. Video marketing is the wave of the present and the future. It fully engages viewers in our attention-deficit society. This is why consumers demand video marketing (whether they are aware of it or not)—consumers want to see, hear, and fully experience your company, product or service via video.

Promotional videos efficiently and effectively communicate your marketing strategies clearer than any other medium. To have a uniform understanding of the message you are trying to convey, video is the best option. This is because viewers aren’t relying on their imagination to envision your company, product or service. The message—both visually, and auditorily, is presented to the viewer with no work on their part. This helps all different kinds of learners understand the information being presented about your company.

This feature of video is extremely important when presenting new, disruptive products. The auditory and visual components of video comes together harmoniously to explain new products to consumers in a very integrative, understandable way.

Not only is corporate video great for relaying your company’s message, but it also puts a face to your company. Consumers are intimidated by huge, faceless companies. Instead, consumers prefer human connection. For example, in our promotional video, we aimed to make our company, Top Notch Cinema, as relatable as possible by using our Co-Founder, James Orfanos, as the face of our company. He is the sole character of our promotional video, which gives viewers a feeling of “knowing” our company. Another great example of this is the promotional video we produced for Town Square Trading. Here, an individual employee, Richard, takes us through the video and explains the company’s core values and goals. Placing a singular face or voice at the forefront of your marketing campaign makes viewers feel safe and understood.

In other words, using video marketing creates trust between the consumer and your company, product, or service. And once trust is established, your company is more likely to reel-in and maintain customers. Even big businesses are joining the trend toward the “human connection” element of marketing by predominantly using video for their marketing purposes.

Video is an essential part of your company’s marketing campaign. Skipping out on this medium will surely leave you in the dust of your competitors. Keep up with the demands of the times, and start using video for all of your marketing needs. You won’t regret it.

(For information on how to hire a production company, please read our article, “How to Hire a Video Production Company.”)

*Video is at the bottom of the page

Amanda Zambito
Senior Writer/Editor

Click the logo at the top of the page (or Call (332) 255-2456) to learn more about how video can grow your business.

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